Think Outside- Should I Have a Design Fee Minimum?

If you’re a new Designer, figuring out what to charge for your time can be tricky, there are so many variables that can affect your rates. If there is one thing I have learned over the last 10+ years… you have to have a design fee minimum. Why?


In the beginning stages of growing your business you might be willing to take some projects that don’t pay as well for the purpose of building your brand and clientele. But you can’t give away your time forever!

Hopefully you have come to a point in your business when you’re too busy to accept every job that comes your way. At this point it would make sense to set a minimum for future projects.

This is when you can ask yourself two simple questions.

  1. Is this project profitable?

  2. Is this project publishable?

For more about this topic, including questions like “how do I set an hourly rate?” subscribe to my playbook “Think Outside” below. This is a monthly 15-20 page PDF where I share business tips and tricks of the landscaping trade for both new and seasoned professionals!

Was this helpful? I hope so! I look forward to sharing more help for your landscaping business both here and in my Playbooks!

Happy designing! - Ryan